New NORDIC BEACH XO LONGER LENGTH BODY WRAPS FALL / WINTER 2024/25 The softest wrap around! 🤩🤍 Interested in fu Blue skies ahead 🖤🖤🖤 Blue Cashmere and Fluffy Frappe are some of our fa A blast from the past - Exotic Violet! What retire Follow on Instagram Mango SorbetMisty MossGone BananasBlue NileCafe LatteCandy AppleFall HarvestAmethyst NightFuschia Dream'NNordic SnowGrey KittenCashmere BluePink HeavenDark KoalaCaspian NightOlive UMidnight NavyEmerald ForestFluffy FrappeBlue DenimDark ChocolatePassion PlumChocolate CherryApricot PeachTeal TimeBlack LicoriceSapphire SeaBlush WineMauve TopiaKoala GreyButter ScotchLavender MistSerene WaterChar Teaz LIGHT & FLUFFY